The Search Scientists Customer Service Formula

The Search Scientists Customer Service Formula

At Search Scientists, we value high-quality and long-term relationships with our clients.

That’s why we’ve created the Six Touch-Point Customer Service Formula. Each month, your Campaign Manager will schedule routine communication touch points so that you always know what’s happening inside your account.

Let’s learn about what you can look forward to each month.

Touchpoint 1: Setting up a monthly call at the start of each month

At the beginning of each month, you will be sent a call form, where you will answer a few short questions on what you’d like to discuss on your monthly call with your Campaign Manager.

This allows our managers to better prepare the information that you would like to get an update on. This is also a great time to talk strategies and goals for the coming month.

Touchpoint 2: Customized metrics reports evaluating the previous month

After you become a client, we generate a metrics chart crafted to your needs. Want to see how much ad spend is happening on a weekly basis? No problem. Need to see your cost per conversion for the previous month? Easy!

This reporting spreadsheet can be made to update weekly, daily, or even hourly, so you can feel confident you’re getting the freshest possible data.

Touchpoint 3: Technique review – Video calendar plan

Each month your manager will send you over a video, highlighting what they have planned for your account, and when it is scheduled to happen. This is often sent in conjunction with the metrics report listed in Touchpoint 2.

Touchpoint 4: Pop-up email(s)

We have made a habit of “dropping in” on clients. When we see something worth sharing, we share it! You can expect randomized “check this out!” emails, that can include information about the account, what we’re doing to stay ahead of the PPC curve, how this impacts you, and much more!

Touchpoint 5: A team-oriented approach, hearing from the customer success manager

Many hands make light work. Being a completely remote team, we’ve adapted that saying to benefit everyone. We make use of other account managers, a client-success manager, and sometimes even our CEO, getting multiple eyes and brains on any given account. This helps keep things fresh and also greatly enhances our problem-solving abilities.

When we get others involved, we let you know about it! So don’t be surprised if you receive an email from the client success manager or another team member!

Touchpoint 6: Continued Value

Search Scientists are lifelong learners. We enjoy learning about all of the newest PPC techniques, tech trends, and other water-cooler talks that have to do with our work. We always make sure we’re on top of things and directly apply new information to help better any and all of our client accounts.

To establish unmatched communication, we’re proud to have developed these six monthly touch points. Each specifically designed to make any working relationship stronger, longer lasting and healthier than found anywhere outside of Search Scientists.

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Picture of Andreea Popa

Andreea Popa

Andreea is an enthusiastic full-stack marketer. She enjoys connecting multiple facets of a business. She's mixing and connecting data from multiple channels, from PPC campaigns to content creation, audience engagement, and different inbound strategies. She'd like to have more time for writing about PPC.

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