Callout Extensions | Search Scientists

Day 19 of 100 Days of AdWords Help: Callout Extensions

In Day 19 of 100 Days of AdWords Help, we’ll take a look at another AdWords Extension. Yesterday, we looked at sitelinks, which are an excellent way to improve your CTR and quality score.

Today, we’ll look at sitelink’s little brother: callout extensions.

What are Callout Extensions?

Callout extensions share a similar purpose to sitelink extensions. With sitelinks, you get the opportunity to direct users to alternative landing pages to help them find what they are looking for faster. For example, if you wanted to have your ad link to your main landing page, perhaps a sitelink would link to your contact page. This way, users wanting to call you get the chance to do so quickly.

Callouts serve a similar purpose: call out what matters most to your customers. If you offer free shipping, have 24/7 support, then calling out these selling propositions in a callout extension is a great way to communicate value without taking up room in your ad copy.

adwords callout extension example
AdWords Callout Extension

Sample Callout Extensions:

  • Free Shipping
  • 24/7 Support
  • Price Match Guarantee
  • 10 Year Warranty
  • Upfront Pricing
  • 35 Years Experience
  • Bespoke Pricing
  • Get Specific: All ad copy works best when you are speaking directly to your customers
    • Callout Extension for Camping Store: Huge Selection of Kayaks, Field Tested Gear
    • Callout Extension for Surfboard Company: 60 Day Free Trial, Free Shipping on Boards

Adding Callout Extensions

Adding callout extensions is very easy.

  1. Go to the extensions tab of any campaign.
  2. View -> Callout Extensions
  3. Click the red button to add callout extensions
adding callout extensions
Adding Callout Extensions is Fast & Easy

Reasons to Use Callout Extensions

Increase your CTR: Callouts, just like sitelinks, increase your CTR. To help prepare for this post, we turned on callout extensions for a new client who hadn’t had them previously. The result after two weeks was a 62% increase in CTR.  Compared to posts that boast 5,000% increases in CTR, this is much more realistic. PPC optimization is a slow march, making each month better than the previous. With the 100’s of optimization tactics available, callout extensions are one step in that march to make your account run more effectively and efficiently.

callout extensions ctr
A solid 62% increase in CTR, thanks, Callout Extensions!

I’m a big fan of callout extensions. Our friends at PPC Hero placed callouts as one of the few extensions to run above all else, and we tend to agree! The CTR boosts that come with well-optimized sitelinks and callouts are a must-have in your AdWords Account.

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Picture of Michael Erickson

Michael Erickson

Emailing my clients and telling them I helped increase their return on ad spend by 300% never gets old. I love rising above the technical jargon and providing your business with online marketing momentum to reach new heights. Enthusiast for all things science, surfing, and Search Scientists.

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