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Business Tactics

How to drive traffic your store - Search Scientists
Karolina Facchin

How to Drive Traffic to Your Store with Digital Strategies

Usually, we talk about digital marketing as a means to sell online or drive people to your website. But what about the brick and mortar stores? In 2019, stores with physical locations don’t thrive unless they engage in the same types of activities online shops do.

The question is then, what can I do to get more people through my door?

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Seller Fulfilled Prime Vs. FBA (Fulfilled By Amazon) - Search Scientists
The Search Sci Contributors

Seller Fulfilled Prime vs. FBA (Fulfilled By Amazon) – What’s the difference?

After being around for 13 years and growing to 100 million members, Amazon Prime has clearly become a massive success.
In order to earn the Prime badge, clearly an important part of gaining success when selling on Amazon, you can participate in one of two programs: Seller Fulfillment Prime (SFP) or Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA).
In order to decide which is best for your business, let’s go over these in more detail.

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LinkedIn Ads - Search Scientists
Karolina Facchin

Creating Your First LinkedIn Ads Campaign – Part 1: The Low-Down On LinkedIn Ad Formats

When it comes to advertising reach, LinkedIn Ads can’t hold a candle to Google Ads… but does that mean you should write LinkedIn off immediately?

No, of course not.

While Google is and will probably always be the go-to platform for advertisers from around the globe, LinkedIn is quickly becoming a hot favorite among those who want to reach out to B2B decision makers.

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PPC Planning & Strategic Vision Mapping | Search Scientists
Andreea Popa

Quarterly PPC Planning & Strategic Vision Mapping

At Search Scientists, we pride ourselves on being lifelong learners, and that pays large dividends in PPC. Constant algorithm changes, rule additions, new competition, and more can quickly change the landscape we work in.
It is not enough to simply optimize and tweak anymore. We must do thorough PPC planning and implement those strategies in order to thrive. And that’s exactly what you get at Search Scientists.

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