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Universal App Campaigns - UAC - Search Scientists
Claudia Ramba

Universal App Campaigns (UAC) – Appvertising In Style

Ever since their appearance, Universal App Campaigns have caused a bit of a stir, and have been received with a certain level of concern. Should we trust the algorithms? Are we losing control? These are questions that may have arisen in marketers’ minds.

In this article we will reveal the mysteries of how UAC works, where it can run, how to create it, and how to optimize it for success.

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The Math Behind the Perfect Bid - google-ads-adwords
Michael Erickson

Day 25 of AdWords Help: The Math Behind the Perfect Bid

It’s very normal for people to focus on keyword research, match types, budgets, and ads. Those are all extremely important and have a big part in your success on AdWords.

However, even the best ad, the perfect keyword, and an ideal budget is wasted on a bid that is either too expensive or too low.

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