Hiring a New Search Scientist: Paid Traffic PPC Campaign Optimizer

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Hiring a New Search Scientist to Expand our PPC Team

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A friendly, hard-working PPC specialist currently working in an office or freelancing virtually, looking for the benefits of joining a location-independent team.


A group of friendly, hard-working, location-independent PPC specialists who help small businesses achieve more using paid traffic.

This isn’t your grandma’s company. We’re a group of location independent, create-your-own schedule, no-time-clock-as-long-as-the-work-gets-done-and-clients-get-results kind of PPC company. We pride ourselves on zero bureaucracy and full speed ahead productivity. If you find numbers are like a puzzle waiting to be solved, and ad copy is a competition to be won, then you’ll find Search Scientists your new home.

How Account Optimizers Help Us At Search Scientists

Our Optimizers work directly with our Campaign Managers. It may look like this:

  • A Campaign Manager notices our exact match impression share is low, so the account needs more negative keywords
  • A Campaign then creates a task in Asana, our project management board. The task is assigned to you, the Optimizer.
  • You complete the task.
  • Teamwork makes the dream work.

Other examples are:

  • Campaign and ad group creation using excel for AdWords
  • Port Changes from AdWords to BingAds
  • Find Negative Keywords
  • Create a Draft of Ad Copy
  • Ad Set and Campaign Creation on Facebook Ads
  • Fill out tasks on Asana, our project management app

To summarize, you’ll work hand in hand with an Campaign Manager. The campaign manager will help plan the strategy and communicate with the client. You will help implement pieces of that strategy.

Characteristics That We Are Looking For

  • A Lifelong Learner. If you don’t visit PPCHero , this position probably isn’t for you. In the world of online marketing: it’s learn or die. It’s the difference between having 5 years of experience, and repeating 5 of your first years.

  • Paid Traffic Skills: You know the relationship between quality score, CPC, and ad rank. You can add 500 negative keywords to an account in under 15 minutes.
  • Online Communication Skills. While we work, we hang out on our team chat. We also use email and a project management board. Can you effectively communicate online?

  • Ethical & Honest: We don’t work with adult sites, non-family safe companies, and view marketing as a way to connect great organizations with people who can benefit from their solutions. We’re proud to talk about what we do or who we work with at the dinner table with our families.
  • Technologically Inclined: You don’t need instructions on how to take screenshots, and you research faster ways to do so.
  • Organized: You will be responsible for prioritizing and creating your own schedule. You’ll also be responsible for getting things time in an appropriate time frame.

Sound like you? Keep reading![/vc_column_text][vcex_divider style=”dotted” width=”100%” icon_color=”#000000″ icon_size=”14px” margin_top=”40″ margin_bottom=”70″][vcex_icon icon=”cogs” float=”center” color=”#423f39″ link_rel=”none” border_radius=”0″ height=”0″][vc_column_text]

Details of the Position

  • This is a real, full-time, permanent position catered to professionals. While this position can be done anywhere in the world, and Search Scientists are spread around the globe, this position is not well suited for travelers who move very frequently. Unless you’re the rare kind of person who can get meaningful work done in a new location every month, we’ve found that long-term stability is required for increased PPC performance and client relationship building.
  • 40 hours a week. At Search Scientists you’re not required to punch the time-clock. However, the workload is built around an expectation of about 40 hours a week. If you can get your results and client relationships awesome in less than that – then right on!
  • Compensation: We are eager to pay well for top quality talent. We are confident you will make more with us than at another company doing similar work. With that, we are looking for the best of the best.
  • 90 Day Probation Period: Remote work is challenging for many people, and we have a high standard of excellence. For this reason, we’ll set up performance expectations for the first 90 days.

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  • Get Treated like a Responsible Professional:  We stand behind our team of hard working, smart, talented individuals. Becoming a Search Scientist puts you in an exclusive club. We share the fruits of our success, and strive to treat people like professionals.
  • Create your own Schedule: Are you naturally a night owl? Do you like to divide your 8 hour work day with a 2 hour nap? Want to go surfing Thursday morning and work into the evening? One of the biggest perks is dividing up your work day and work week how you’d like!
  • No Commute: Think about the time you spend getting ready, and commuting to work. The US Census estimates the average commute is about an hour a day. Working for Search Scientists means you instantly get back 20 hours a month spent commuting!
  • Work from Anywhere with Strong Internet: Want to work from a log cabin in Canada or a sunny villa in Mexico? Go ahead! As long as there is strong internet, you’re in business!
  • Reasonable Work Load: We’re not one of those agencies that will give you 100 clients to work with. For this position, the number of client accounts you will be working with will be manageable in well under 40 hours/wk. We don’t have a non-technical sales team that is going to oversell impossible expectations for you to work with.
  • An Executive Team that Cares: We’re inspired to make Search Scientists the best PPC agency – remote or in-person – for our team members…and we’re not afraid to show it.

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Does it Get Lonely?

Not for us! We have a plenty of fun talking about our weekends, and sharing memes in our group chat, Even though we haven’t all been in the same room at the same time, we still call each other friends. The people you’ll be working with are genuinely helpful, warm, kindhearted people. One of our goals is to have a big-team meetup in 2016. Come join us!

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Distributed Teams are the Future, and We’re Happy to be Part of the Club

Our friends at 37Signals put together a great video on remote work.

We believe that work should be integrated into our lives the way we decide. It is very possible to live away from the stress, bureaucracy, and petty office politics that drag down so many normal work environments. Work can be a place of stress-free productivity, where the work speaks for itself. Treating people like responsible professionals and building relationships based on trust are the cornerstones of what we do.

“The lifestyle compatibility you can have with remote work is really great. It’s really compatible with looking at your whole life and saying ‘These are the things I like to do besides work'”

David Hansson – 37 Signals

A few photos from some recent mini-meetups


IMG_20160613_202533search scientists meetup thailand



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We look forward to learning more about you!

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Our Application Process

  1. Fill out application
  2. We review applications
  3. Interview
  4. Additional Questions
  5. Job Offer
